Are you not scheduling days off for yourself? Are you working a schedule you don’t like? Are you a people pleaser who can’t say ‘no’? Are you ignoring yourself in order to focus on your business? Well, you’re in luck because I’m going to walk you through each of these points and give you tips on how to get past them!
In this episode, I’m sharing the common mistakes I’ve made over and over again so that you can hopefully avoid them as you continue to grow your event business.
We discuss:
What to do when you realize you keep making the same mistakes over and over again…
Why not having boundaries can often hurt you as well as your clients…
The reason you shouldn’t sacrifice self care at any time…
How to be intentional about scheduling down times and breaks…
How being intentional with your work will always show up in your business…
… and more!
Here are some highlights…
We can make things perfect, right?
“I’m a perfectionist and I’m super organized and I just love all the details that also makes me a control freak and I want my hands on every single thing. I think that’s a limiting belief that we kind of take on. I think that as event professionals, we really pride ourselves on this idea that we can make things perfect, right? The perfect day, the best day ever. But one of my favorite mindset shifts I’ve had to grasp as a perfectionist is excellence over perfection, because excellence leaves room for grace and perfection does not. Perfection has no room for error, there’s no grace in that. And if there’s no grace, then there’s no opportunity for you to allow someone else to help you.”
Events are a people pleasing industry.
“After spending the last five years at countless events, I can name lots of mistakes that I made. However, the funny thing about looking back on your mistakes is that you realize you kept making the same mistakes over and over. Such as being in a people pleasing industry. If you are a person who tends to lean on the side of being a people pleaser, you know that it’s not really something that’s unique to the work that you do, it kind of just permeates all up in your whole life. I have always been the person who prefers to politely just do what I think will make someone happy and it’s something that I even struggle with to this day. You create a lot of space to not have boundaries and to not be able to say no. And to not be willing to enforce boundaries that could potentially result in someone being upset.”
Build in break times for you and your company.
“I started to make the mistake of believing at a certain point that I am off during the week, and I work on the weekends. And that is the way it goes. Well, let me tell you something about that real quick, that gets really old really fast. And I honestly stopped even thinking about the possibility that there could be weddings for my business happening on the weekend. Every year that I did a wedding on the weekend of my birthday was crazy. And I truly believe that I wasn’t fully present and fully there, and it took so much out of me. Build in some days that you’re absolutely not going to take events. You create some time for sabbaticals, and extended breaks to really be intentional about the downtime. Be intentional about what you are going to do as a company with the time that you do take off.”